STS Thai Fish Sauce 750ml STS Thai Fish Sauce 750ml
STS Thai Fish Sauce 750ml
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STS Thai Fish Sauce 泰式白昌鱼露 750ml

RM3.80 MYR
RM0.00 MYR

Ferry Silver Pomfret Fish Sauce is pomfret fish mixed with sea salt and fermented for a long period. Fish sauce is the backbone of Eastern Asian Cuisine. It is a product of Thailand and has no cholesterol and fat.

Amount per bottle: 750ml

Ingredients: Anchovy fish 63%,salt 35%,sugar 2%

Country of Origin: Thailand

Product Storage & Expiry: Store in room temperature, dry environment & avoid direct sunlight.

Same Day Delivery (KL order before 3pm)
Free delivery above RM 300 (KL, certain selangor only)
Guaranteed Quality
Secure payments
Only 12 left
Volume Pricing
RM3.80 MYR each