Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs
Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs
Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs
Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs
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Chrysanthemum Lemon Fruit Tea 柠檬菊茶 6pcs

RM15.00 MYR
RM0.00 MYR
Adding a touch of zing to a classic black tea with a deep aroma and generous flavour, this tea can be appreciated either warm or iced. All natural, no flavorings.
Same Day Delivery (KL order before 3pm)
Free delivery above RM 300 (KL, certain selangor only)
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Volume Pricing
RM15.00 MYR each