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Fish Maw, Conch, and Scallop Soup. (花胶瑶柱炖鸡汤)

Sep 12,2022 | Chai Huat Hin Online


Slow-cooker makes good quality soup

The main reason for using a slow-cooker in this recipe is to retain the taste, nutrient, and texture. When you use such good quality ingredients, you don't want to boil the soup on high heat in.

Boiling on sustained lower heat without too much of bubbling ensure that the ingredients stay intact. By the end of 6 hours, you will still get a whole cooked scallop and a whole piece of melt-in-mouth fish maw (Be gentle with it though!)


Serves 6


  • 80 g Fish Maw (80克花胶)
  • 6 pieces of Japanese scallop (6 粒北海道干贝)
  • 1/2 piece (30 g) conch meat (30克螺肉)
  • 2 pieces (750 g) chicken legs, blanched (750克鸡腿)
  • 1 piece (300 g) of lean pork (300克豬瘦肉)
  • 1 tbsp Goji berry (1 汤匙枸杞)
  • 2 L of water (水 2L)


  1. Soak fish maw in water for 12 hours or overnight. It is ready when the middle is soft. If not, soak for a few more hours. 用水浸泡花膠 12小时. 如果还是硬再泡几个小时至軟身.
  2. Then use some ginger slices to boil it for about 15 minutes to remove any fishy odour. 把水煮沸,放入薑,加入花膠汆水15分鐘,除腥味.
  3. Blanch chicken & pork meat. 将鸡腿和豬瘦肉出水.
  4. Place fish maw, conch, scallop, chicken, and water in the slow cooker. 把所有材料放入慢炖锅. 加入2升水.
  5. Cook on HIGH for 2 hours. Then cook on LOW for another 5 hours. 用大火煲1小時,然後轉慢火煲多5小時
  6. 10 minutes before serving, add goji berries and season with salt. 最後10分才加入鹽調味及枸杞.
  7. Cut fish maw into 6 pieces. Place fish maw and scallop into each bowl and top with goji berries. 把花膠切成六片和干贝一起放进碗里。


All the ingredients used in this recipe, excluding poultry, can be bought online at our website

